Eamon Connolly

What was your inspiration for becoming a yoga teacher?

As I deepened my practice and started really trying to live the 8 limbs of Yoga, it became apparent to me that I needed to give back to others in the most meaningful way I could. I am inspired by teachers who lead with strength, empathy, compassion and a hint of cheekiness, creating safe spaces for students to explore their human experience and find something new on the mat. I draw on this inspiration in my pursuit of offering a similar environment in my own classes.

Your favourite yoga pose if you have one?

I think there is something really special and powerful about Sirsasana and the journey towards it. After years of working at it, that first moment of floating the feet to the sky is pretty exhilarating. The more I practice it, the more I can receive and notice the subtleties and  soothing effects it brings about. 

What do you enjoy most about teaching?

I absolutely love the moment to moment dynamics in a class of that feeling of shared awareness. I love seeing yogi’s evolve and take ownership of their practice, taking modification options that suit their needs for any given posture during a class. Most of all I love to see the post yoga glow, and the spark in a yogi's eyes when they leave the Shala. I have had many yogis come to me after a class telling me of the mental clarity and emotional releases they’ve had on the mat. To create space for this and be a part of that process is, to me, the essence of being a Yoga Teacher.



about Eamon:

Eamon has been a student of the human condition for as long as he can remember. Initially being exposed to yoga through his training in the performing arts, his yoga journey began in 2012 while working in New York. Eamon was first drawn to its physical challenges, but he soon discovered yoga as a sanctuary for mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. Certified in Hatha-Vinyasa, Yin and trauma-aware Yoga, he's dedicated to deepening his practice, and continued learning and development as a yoga teacher and human.

 Currently teaching at the This Is Yoga and National Institute of Dramatic Art, Eamon offers classes that prioritise mindful movement, breath work, and creating a nurturing space for self-exploration. Through his teachings, he aims to empower students to journey inward and emerge lighter and clearer. 

Join Eamon for a transformative yoga experience.