Meet CAITLIN HART: Yoga Teacher at This Is Yoga

What was your inspiration for becoming a yoga teacher?

I used to practice with my aunt and father as a child. When I moved overseas I struggled with some psycho somatic issues and both my aunt and father told me to practice yoga again. It helped a lot - so it's my driving force in teaching - that mind body connection. 

Your favourite yoga pose if you have one?

It changes, but usually backbends are my favourite. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana is one of them.

What do you enjoy most about teaching?

Connecting people to their bodies. I also love that I can explore creativity in creating different classes regularly!




After nearly a decade of living and teaching in France & the UK, Caitlin has recently returned to her roots in Australia, bringing with her a wealth of experience and a passion for sharing the transformative power of movement.  

Caitlin has trained with many amazing teachers including Shiva Rea, Sharon & David Life, Simon Borg Olivier & Simon Park to name a few and has also trained in pilates mat & reformer. 

At the heart of her teaching philosophy is fluidity, mindfulness & alignment, her classes are slow & steady, connecting the mind and body through the breath as a guide for movement.  

Caitlin empowers her students, be it new or experienced, to explore their edges mindfully, cultivating strength, flexibility & serenity with each practice.