RACHEL (Bella) McGinty

What was your inspiration for becoming a yoga teacher?

I am passionate about guiding students on a journey of self-discovery through movement and bodily awareness. My teaching style is rooted in a deep appreciation for mobility and alignment, two pillars that build strong and open bodies. With a focus on fluidity and grace, I strive to create classes that not only challenge the body but also nurture the spirit. Through mindful breath work and precise alignment cues, I aim to help Yogis find balance, strength, and flexibility both on and off the mat.

Beyond the yoga studio, I'm immersed in the realm of psychotherapy, where I merge my passion for self-discovery and holistic well-being. As a psychotherapist, I facilitate transformative journeys akin to yoga, fostering self-awareness and guiding individuals inward. Through introspection and mindfulness, I help clients cultivate a life worth embracing, encouraging them to be fully present in each moment. Just as in yoga, I emphasise alignment—this time aligning thoughts, emotions, and actions towards mental and emotional balance.

Yoga isn't just a practice for me—it's a profound philosophy that resonates deeply with every aspect of life. I teach yoga because I believe in its transformative powers, witnessing firsthand its ability to enrich and empower individuals on and off the mat. It's more than just physical exercise; it's an embodied philosophy, offering a holistic blueprint for navigating life's complexities with grace and resilience. Through yoga, I aim to share this wisdom, guiding students towards self-discovery, inner peace, and a deeper connection to themselves and the world around them. It's a journey I'm honoured to embark on with each and every student.

Your favourite yoga pose if you have one?

I love any juicy hip openers! I could fall asleep in pigeon pose.

What do you enjoy most about teaching?

As Patanjali so eloquently says, “Yoga is the journey of the Self, through the Self, to the Self.” I love witnessing students practice self-compassion as they challenge their body and mind. When people fall flat on their face in crow and then look up at me and grin. The excitement as they hold grasshopper for the first time (even just for a few seconds). Noticing my regular students pull back when they need to and take child’s pose as they listen to their body. I love seeing Yoga not just as a physical practice but as an embodied philosophy for life.



About bella:

Bella found Yoga at the age of fifteen and immediately knew it was going to be a life-long relationship. Growing up, she spent her days either dancing or with her head in the books. So, when Yoga came into her life, she found the perfect outlet for her love of movement and knowledge. She met her Yoga teacher, Don Peers, in 2013 and went on to do her teacher training under him at Elixr School of Yoga. 

As a training psychotherapist with an academic background in philosophy and psychology, she sees Yoga as the physical expression of the fundamental human need for expression, exploration and wholeness. Whether her students are in child’s pose or standing on their heads, she’s passionate about walking them into the journey of self-exploration, of learning to trust themselves, their bodies and life.